CLUE: Clusters for CO2 electrolyzers to ethylene

About CLUE

CLUE is a collaboration between VITO (coordinator), KU Leuven and the University of Antwerp (ELCAT and EMAT).

The main goal of the CLUE innovation project is the development of an efficient electrolyzer for durable electrochemical conversion of CO2 to ethylene using realistic and industrially-relevant CO2 streams and highly stable and efficient electrodes based on mono- and bimetallic deposited clusters.


CLUE Project Consortium Meeting 2024 @VITO

The CLUE project held its second project meeting for 2024 at VITO,

Clue project presented at 8th Baltic Electrochemical Conference, Tartu

The CLUE partner Chandani Singh (from VITO) presented the findings from the CLUE project at the 8th Baltic electrochemistry conference, held at Tartu from 14-17 April 2024. 

CLUE is going to 8th Baltic Electrochemistry Conference, Estonia

An abstract for oral presentation is accepted for CLUE partner Chandani singh (from VITO) to present the findings from the CLUE project at the 8th Baltic electrochemistry conference, to be held at Tartu from 14-17 April 2024.

CLUE Project Presented at the CAPTURE Workshop

CLUE partner Daniel Choukroun (from ELCAT) presented an oral presentation on Capture workshop held at Ghent.

CLUE Project Meeting 2024 @ELCAT-UA

CLUE embarked on completion of its 2-year tenure with the consortium meeting held at ELCAT-UA on 26th February 2024. The meeting held in a hybrid mode with active participation from all its partners (KU Leuven, EMAT, ELCAT and VITO).

CLUE Partner Presented Poster at ECS Meeting Gothenburg

CLUE Partner, Thi Hong Trang Nguyen from K U Leuven, presented a poster at the ECS meeting held at Gothenburg, Sweden on 22nd December 2023 under the title of “Gas-phase Pd Clusters-Modified Mesoporous Copper Oxide Hollow Spheres as Electrocatalys

CLUE Consortium Strategy Meeting at VITO

The last annual meeting held at EMAT presented us with issues related to electrocatalyst preparation and testing under the electrochemical system. The meeting was held at VITO on 11 Sep 2023 in a hybrid mode.

CLUE Consortium Annual Meeting 2023 @EMAT-UA

The CLUE consortium met for the second time at EMAT (University of Antwerpen) on 6th July 2023. The representatives from EMAT, ELCAT (University of Antwerpen), KU Leuven and VITO attended the meeting.

CLUE Consortium Annual Meeting 2022 @KU Leuven

The first annual meeting of the CLUE consortium was held at KU Leuven on 22nd Dec 2022. The coordinator, Deepak Pant from VITO, highlighted the upcoming deliverable and the path the consortium needs to follow to achieve its goal.

CLUE Partner KU Leuven is looking for a postdoc on Nanocluster deposition

The Cluster research group in the Quantum Solid-state Physics (QSP) section at KU Leuven is seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral fellow.

CLUE project kick-off

On 31 January, the CLUE project kick-off was held in a hybrid format at VITO Mol.